Thursday, July 5, 2012

Patience, Patience

So this week has been about patience for me. I am so ready for so many things and I'm having to learn to just wait and things will get done. I write this as I am waiting on the carpet people. It was supposed to be delivered between 1 and 3, its now 4. See... patience. Other things I'm having to be patient about include my house being clean and organized (even though I feel its all I've done all summer), setting up Reagan's room, anything to do with McKenzie, and just meeting Reagan in general. Next week I start doing work related things a couple of days a week and then in 3 short weeks I'll be back until Reagan gets here. Where did the time go?

On the other hand we had a great weekend at the beach last weekend. I'm waiting on my mom to send me some pictures and I'll write more about that on the family blog.

Here we go with the 28 week post

How far along? 28 weeks and 6 days (4 days in the picture)

Total weight gain: Still at 15 lbs

Stretch marks? No
 Sleep: I don't know why it is suggested that you rest now because you won't be able to when the baby comes. I don't get enough rest. I sleep at night but it never feels like a good night's sleep and McKenzie wears me out during the day
 Best moment this week: Being at the beach and seeing my family
 Miss Anything? Sleep and the ability to do things without getting tired or sore easily, maybe seeing my feet
 Movement: Reagan is a mover but she's slowed. She still lets me know she's there though

Food cravings: Nothing this week, that is odd
 Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Symptoms: Impatience, feeling huge, not being able to see my feet, soreness in my hip if I bend too much during the day, stiffness if I stay in 1 position too long... the normal stuff

Wedding rings on or off? Off, it makes me sad that I've had to take them off already
 Happy or Moody most of the time: A mixture of both
 Looking forward to: Setting up Reagan's room, Stone Mountain with Jason's parents, Ribbon Cutting and Summer camp for my new school, a date night with Jason

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