Thursday, July 12, 2012

Long post, sorry

Well, here we are at almost 30 weeks. The 29th week has been an emotional roller coaster. The weekend was good, Sunday we went to Stone Mountain to see Jason's parents/ drop McKenzie off there for the week. We ended up staying the night. It was good to see the laser show and hang out but it didn't do so well for me sleeping. Monday Jason and I had a date night and tried to put the crib together but found out it was on the recall list and we are now awaiting a part to come in. Frustrating. Tuesday I think I cried more than anything else. I don't know why I cried half the time either. Pregnancy. Wednesday was summer camp, a doctor's appointment and the aquarium. My 29th week picture is from our aquarium visit. Lots of fun but I felt bad I didn't go back to Stone Mountain with McKenzie when she asked if I would. Today has been a blah day and more emotions.

At my appointment yesterday Reagan is good as usual. She's actually measuring big this time, at 31 weeks instead of 30. I think McKenzie did that as well. They also told me no more than 3 C sections. I don't know why this bothers me beacuse we've always talked about 3 kids but I don't know if I like the idea of a doctor telling me how many children I can have.

I think my emotions stem from the fact that I feel a huge difference in Reagan and McKenzie. With McKenzie she was the first and everything was new. With Reagan we're putting together the same crib we used with Kenz, same carseat etc. I want Reagan to be special too. She is to me and Jason but I want everyone else to think she's as special as we do. The girl does have some new things (like her bedding which is totally unique) but I still feel different. Maybe it is just me, maybe its because I know what we're doing this time, who knows.

On to the regular post.....

How far along? 29 weeks and 6 days (5 days in the picture)
 Total weight gain: 19 lbs

 Stretch marks? No, but I think there is one forming ... I'm cocoa buttering it up like crazy

Sleep: Better this week because I can nap late afternoon because McKenzie has been away.

 Best moment this week: Date night with Jason

 Miss Anything? Stamina

 Movement: Reagan thinks that 10pm is a perfect time to stretch out, just when I'm ready to sleep

 Food cravings: Funnel cakes

Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually, chicken is starting to get on my nerves again

Symptoms: Impatience, feeling huge, not being able to see my feet, soreness in my hip if I bend too much during the day, stiffness if I stay in 1 position too long... the normal stuff

Wedding rings on or off? Off

 Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotional - so I guess that is moody

Looking forward to: Getting into my room at school and setting up Reagan's room

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