My daughter is going to be a Daddy's girl. Anytime she starts moving around a lot all Jason has to do is put his hand on my belly and she stops. It took FOREVER for him to actually feel her kick and thats happened only once. I'm not going to have any say in this child's life. Jason is going to be just like Rhett Butler in GWTW and claim she is the first thing that has completely belonged to him. Great Balls of Fire! I've been feeling particularly Scarlett O'Hara like in the last few days. I don't know if its because I haven't watched the movie in a couple of months or that its the 79th anniversary of the premier on the 15th. Anyways, here's week 24. As you can see I'm all belly!
Me and my Mom to Be ornament 
As you can see my "timer" is out already (only 4 months early)
It took Rhett awhile until he was able to feel her kick too!! There were times when he had his had on my belly and I would feel her kick and he wouldn't! You look so very cute by the way!!
You looked great and so happy.
love ya
Mrs. Boucher
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