So I finally got to go to Pensacola for the one trip while I'm pregnant. I so love going home. We got there Wednesday afternoon and then went to Tuscan Oven for dinner. Jason had never been and it was sooo yummy!!! Thursday was of coarse Thanksgiving and we spent the day at Granny and Papa's, this year Grandma and Grandpa came over too. Thanksgiving was really fun and it was the one time I got to see all of my family ... including Candi. Friday was mine and Candi's babyshower and it was AMAZING!!!! Ashley, Mom and Angie did such a good job. Since Candi and I were both in town and pretty much the whole family was there we had a coed baby shower. The guys really had a good time too. There were lots of great things we got and I can't wait until New Years when we paint the nursery and fix up our little girl's room. Maybe by then she'll have a name! Anyways here are some shots from the shower. I'm at 22 weeks and Candi is at 28 weeks.

All beacuse two people fell in love ....

These are from two of the games ... the String Game and the Dirty Diaper game

My family is so amazing!!!